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Our clients have lives just like you.


  • Having babies.

  • Starting a new business.

  • Taking care of aging parents.

  • Tired of having adult children living at home.

  • Battling creditors with calls and letters.

  • Suffering divorce with financial and emotional strain.

  • Surviving cancer and chemo, living in remission.

  • Working full-time while completing college degrees.

  • Creating and learning to budget for the first time (as adults!).

  • Learning to say 'no' to their spouse, their kids, themselves.

  • Fighting their way up and out of poverty.

  • Living with great wealth, scared there won't be enough.

They've survived...

  • Loss of a job.

  • Loss of a home.

  • Loss of a spouse.

They've paid off over $1 million in debt and...

  • Passed background and security clearances for dream jobs.

  • Become free to dream and see a different future for their children and family.

  • Become U.S. Citizens.

  • Have learned by changing their behavior with money, they've created a stronger financial future they didn't know was possible.

Clients have saved...

  • Their very first emergency fund of $1000 - ever!

  • For expenses of $10k, $30k, $50k & up.

  • Their homes from foreclosure.

  • Their marriages!

Professional, relevant, knowledgeable

Meet Kristine

Kristine Stevenson is an author, financial coach, radio show host, speaker, and IRS Enrolled Agent who helps individuals and businesses understand how to avoid trouble with the IRS and teaches the tools to overcome their money mess. Kristine believes that no matter your financial situation there is hope in transforming your financial future. Kristine serves clients worldwide.


2005: Living Upside Down

In 2005, I was fired from my job, newly divorced, dealing with child support issues and generally upside down in life. Things looked pretty grim.

2009: Drowning In $22k of Debt

By the time 2009 came around I had racked up over $22,000 of debt including credit cards and student loans, and was going through a series of really bad cars, also financed with loans.

2010: Sick & Tired of Being Broke

As a casual Dave Ramsey fan for the better part of 20 years, I was listening to Dave’s radio program one Friday afternoon in November of 2010 on my way to work at the IRS in Austin, TX. I heard (yet another) couple scream, “We’re debt-free!” It was more than I could bear. Bursting into tears and gripping the steering wheel tight, I yelled, “I want to be debt-free!! I want it to be my turn to scream ‘I’m debt-free!!’ I’m sick and tired of being broke and in debt!"

Get out of debt by selling your stuff

2012: Rolled Up My Sleeves

So I rolled up my sleeves, became intentional with my finances, and began to claw my way up and out. With God's help, I started taking control of the one thing I could control, my money. Progress was two steps forward and one step back. While working full-time and driving 150 miles round-trip to work nearly every day, I had already returned to school and completed my bachelor’s degree in December 2009. I began renting out rooms in my house, worked overtime, packed my lunch for work, and sold my beloved motorcycle to pay off debt. Progress was slow at first, but the needle finally started to move in the right direction.

Ramsey Master Financial Coach

2013: We Said I Do

Along the way, I met and married a great guy, Joe, and together in December of 2012, we paid all cash for our wedding. Fast forward to January 2013, I was debt-free on all but the mortgage, and Joe was too. We pressed on, and got the last two kids through high school and into college with zero student loans! 

Hello there,

If you made it this far in the website, I know you want to change, even if you're not sure how. You want things to be different. You want to win. You want to win with money. You want to win with your financial decisions. You want a strong and healthy financial future, for yourself, your family, and your children. And I am here to tell you - yes, you can have this! And I believe you can do it because I once was in your shoes.

And finally, in October 2018, we paid off the mortgage. Check out the video above to see that great day!  Now I help others do the same! As a financial coach, I guide people through the same Baby Steps I followed. I meet people where they're at and walk with them through their journey. Together, my clients tackle debt, create spending plans, save money, get focused, show their kids a different way to live, revive their marriage, become intentional, build savings, grow wealth, and become "Everyday Millionaires." I would be honored to be your financial coach!

2018: We Did it!!!

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